A Night Dream
By DaySounds, © 2022

Last week, I had a dream. In the dream, I saw a bunch of children,
a woman, and me in a house. The woman and I were trying to get
the children ready for church.

She and I were gathering the children together to go outside to
the van. All the children were following through, but one. This little
boy was crying and crying, refusing to go. The woman got the rest of
them outside; I stayed, talking with the one left behind.

As he was crying and crying, I asked him, "What is the matter? Why
are you crying?" He answered, but I couldn't understand what he
was saying in the middle of his crying. "I don't understand what you
said," I told him. He stopped crying, and looking at me straight in the
eye, with hurt in his expression said, "I don't want to go to the
commons." The "commons" was the area in the church where the
kids had their service.

As I looked at him, still panting, it dawned on me what was going on
in that "commons." The little boy had a deformed mouth, with its
upper lip twisted up, showing teeth and gums; the lower lip was
also that way. Probably, other children there were scared of him,
and didn't want to be near him, avoiding him as much as they could.
His speech was also difficult to understand because of the problem
with his mouth.

He had stopped panting and was looking at me with expectation.
I told him, "You are not going to the commons; you are going
to sit right next to me. He approached me and hugged me tight.

I woke up.

Dear Father God, please help me to see the pain and hurt in others,
Instead of focusing on myself. I could have grabbed that little kid by
the arm, scolding him, and take him to the van, but I didn't. I was
able to see beyond his "annoying" behavior and disobedience. Thank
You because this is the way You treat me as well. I love You, Dad.
Thank You for Your Love. Thank You for this dream.
Let us not be scarecrows, but help one-another in God's Love.


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PO Box 2145, Estes Park, CO. 80517

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Updated August 10th., 2024